martedì 1 luglio 2008

MICHAEL DEAN, Opening 27 JUNE 2008

curated by Gigiotto Del Vecchio

Writing to memorialise and facilitate the future use of written memorials composed to lived intimacies, moments of intensity and attraction. Writing, centres the work of Michael Dean (1977 Newcastle Upon Tyne), models intimate experience and the delivery of this intimacy into intimacy.
Lexical bodies deliver the text, hand build and write out the text in space. Trees and wasteland are typologically organised to lend a phenomenological prism of fatherlessness to the intimacy into which the writing is delivered. 'That one might read the text as one reads the fields.'

In 'you cant reflect in the distance and you don't reflect distances towards you closing' Dean has composed a new collection of writing and at the same time has produced images which like the texts, analogue symmetry. The reciprocal movements of loving described by the use of reflection. Physical symmetry and the symmetry of hands in which the body is analogous to the mirror. Symmetry as a model for communication is proposed here on the basis of mutual exclusivity. That the autonomy of the reader be symmetrical to, and similar in description to the autonomy of the writer.